W u W Recyclables and waste trade

We specialize in waste disposal of all kinds

Erfahren Sie mehr über uns

Plaste and Ytong Waste Recycling

W u W Wertstoff und Wastehandel GmbH is a company that has been active in the field of waste disposal throughout Europe for over 20 years. We collect and dispose of gypsum and ytong waste professionally and at favourable conditions.

Waste Wood Recycling

W u W Resource and Waste Management GmbH has been in the business of waste management for over 20 years, Europe-wide and on good conditions.

Hard plastics - material recycling

Wir sammeln & entsorgen Hartkunstoffe verschiedener Fraktionen - fachgerecht und zu günstigen Konditionen.

Used tyres and waste rubber recycling

W u W Wertstoff und Wastehandel GmbH collect and dispose of used tyres and rubber professionally and at favourable conditions.

W u W
